This method determines the midpoint of the specified polyline using the ArcGIS API for Flex geometry types. It is required that the coordinate system used by the geometry is Cartesian.
This method determines the midpoint of the specified polyline using the ArcGIS API for Flex geometry types. It is required that the coordinate system used by the geometry is Cartesian.
Remarks: This method does not support multipart objects. If multipart is necessary, it is required some adjustments to the core functionality.
Author: José SousaDate: 22-03-2011
private function GetPolylineMidpoint(polyline:Polyline):MapPoint
if(polyline == null || polyline.paths == null || polyline.paths.length < 1)
return null;
// Does not support multiparts (in this case the center could be outside of the polylines itself)
var totalDistance:Number = getPolylinePathLength(polyline.paths[0]); // Just get's the first path
if(totalDistance <= 0)
return null;
// Get the midpoint
return getMidPoint(polyline.paths[0], totalDistance);
private function getPolylinePathLength(points:Array):Number
var distance:Number = 0.0;
for(var i:Number = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++)
distance += getDistance(points[i], points[i + 1]);
return distance;
private function getMidPoint(points:Array, totalDistance:Number):MapPoint
var halfDistance:Number = totalDistance / 2;
var sumDistance:Number = 0.0;
var distance:Number = 0.0;
var i:Number;
for(i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++)
distance = getDistance(points[i], points[i + 1]);
if((sumDistance + distance) < halfDistance)
sumDistance += distance;
distance = halfDistance - sumDistance;
return getCoordinate(points[i], points[i + 1], distance);
private function getCoordinate(fromPoint:MapPoint, toPoint:MapPoint, queryDistance:Number):MapPoint
var angle:Number;
var distance:Number = getDistance(fromPoint, toPoint);
var coordX:Number;
var coordY:Number;
if((toPoint.x - fromPoint.x >= 0) && (toPoint.y - fromPoint.y >= 0))
angle = Math.asin((toPoint.y - fromPoint.y) / distance);
coordX = queryDistance * Math.cos(angle) + fromPoint.x;
coordY = queryDistance * Math.sin(angle) + fromPoint.y;
else if((toPoint.x - fromPoint.x < 0) && (toPoint.y - fromPoint.y >= 0))
angle = Math.asin((fromPoint.x - toPoint.x) / distance);
coordX = fromPoint.x - queryDistance * Math.sin(angle);
coordY = queryDistance * Math.cos(angle) + fromPoint.y;
else if((toPoint.x - fromPoint.x <= 0) && (toPoint.y - fromPoint.y < 0))
angle = Math.asin((fromPoint.y - toPoint.y) / distance);
coordX = fromPoint.x - queryDistance * Math.cos(angle);
coordY = fromPoint.y - queryDistance * Math.sin(angle);
else if((toPoint.x - fromPoint.x > 0) && (toPoint.y - fromPoint.y < 0))
angle = Math.asin((toPoint.x - fromPoint.x) / distance);
coordX = queryDistance * Math.sin(angle) + fromPoint.x;
coordY = fromPoint.y - queryDistance * Math.cos(angle);
return new MapPoint(coordX,
new SpatialReference(
return new MapPoint(coordX, coordY, null);
private function getDistance(point1:MapPoint, point2:MapPoint):Number
{return Math.sqrt((point2.x - point1.x) * (point2.x - point1.x) +
(point2.y - point1.y) * (point2.y - point1.y));
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